Shabada in Indian logic refers to the importance of language, words, and their meanings. It’s an essential concept in the philosophies of Indian logic, especially in the Nyaya and Mimamsa schools of philosophy. Here are some multiple choice questions about it:

Q1 What is the Indian term for the logical philosophy of word meaning?

A. Dharma

B. Karma

C. Shabada

D. Atman

Answer: C. Shabada

Q2 In which philosophical schools is Shabada a key concept?

A. Buddhism and Jainism

B. Advaita Vedanta and Dvaita Vedanta

C. Nyaya and Mimamsa

D. Sankhya and Yoga

Answer: C. Nyaya and Mimamsa

Q3 Shabada is primarily concerned with the understanding of…

A. Actions and their consequences

B. The nature of reality

C. The cycle of birth and death

D. Words and their meanings

Answer: D. Words and their meanings

Q4 Which of the following statements best describes Shabada?

A. It is the study of the self and consciousness

B. It is the investigation of words, their meanings, and their use in logic

C. It is a form of meditation

D. It is the philosophy of liberation from the cycle of life and death

Answer: B. It is the investigation of words, their meanings, and their use in logic

Q5 What is a major debate in the context of Shabada?

A. Whether action or faith is more important

B. Whether words have inherent meaning or meaning is ascribed by users

C. Whether reality is dualistic or non-dualistic

D. Whether there is a universal moral code

Answer: B. Whether words have inherent meaning or meaning is ascribed by users

Q6 Who among the following ancient Indian philosophers contributed significantly to the development of Shabada?

A. Nagarjuna

B. Ramanuja

C. Gautama

D. Kapila

Answer: C. Gautama

Q7 Shabada is closely related to the Indian philosophical study of…

A. Metaphysics

B. Ethics

C. Epistemology

D. Aesthetics

Answer: C. Epistemology

Q8 What is the main focus of Shabada?

A. The nature of the divine and the soul

B. The moral implications of actions

C. The theory and philosophy of language

D. The understanding of human consciousness

Answer: C. The theory and philosophy of language

Q9 The interpretation of Vedic scriptures based on Shabada is primarily done by which Indian philosophical school?

A. Sankhya

B. Yoga

C. Mimamsa

D. Advaita Vedanta

Answer: C. Mimamsa

Q10 In the context of Shabada, what does ‘Padartha’ mean?

A. The ultimate reality

B. Object of knowledge or reality as defined in a linguistic framework

C. The soul or self

D. The doctrine of karma

Answer: B. Object of knowledge or reality as defined in a linguistic framework